Explore Programs

Safety First

May 16, 2022

For those of you who know me, you know that I love teaching people about their autonomic nervous system (and their Vagus Nerve). 

One of my main goals over the past few years has been to teach my patients and clients how to recognize which state their autonomic nervous system (ANS) is in, what each state feels like, and what tools they can use to help themselves move out of a fight-or-flight or freeze state and into a calmer more peaceful state. 

I have found that as long as people live their lives in either their freeze or fight-or-flight state they will have a more difficult time maintaining the benefits of most treatments.

Chronic stress and stressful experiences, cause people's pain and symptoms to flare again and again. When we feel stress, our ANS is put into a state of fight-or-flight or freeze. When we are in these ANS states, our bodies respond by tensing up, muscle guarding, or shutting down.  This can affect the function of our organs and cause symptoms to flare.

If we feel stressed to the point it changes our ANS state, we do not feel safe. Our bodies are no longer functioning at an optimal level.

Even though of the past few years, my teachings have emphasized the importance of resourcing and safety, I don't think I realized just how important and necessary safety is for a person to truly heal.   

I knew it is helpful but I now know that safety is necessary for true healing to occur.

This is worth repeating...


Safety is key to healing.


If at some level we don't feel truly safe, how can we ever truly let go enough for our bodies to stop guarding and relax.


I wonder, what does safety mean you?

Is it simply a lack of fear?

Is if freedom from danger, risk or injury?

What does safety feel like for you?  


Would you like to feel more safety in your body?

If so, here is an exercise for you.


First take a minute and notice how you feel in your body right now.  What state do you think you ANS system is in (freeze, fight-or-flight, or calm)?


Next bring a memory or experience to mind where you felt safe. If you can't bring one to mind, that is ok.  I was in my mid 40s before I truly felt a sense of safety in my body.  Just create an imagined experience of safety- it can be anything you like.

Next take at least 3-5 minutes (longer is even better) and marinate in your experience of safety.  Use your five senses to really bring this experience into your body and your nervous system.

Where are you? 

Who are you with?

What do you see?

What do you smell?

What do you taste?

What do you feel or touch?

What is the weather like?  Is it warm? cool?  Is there a breeze? Do you need a soft warm blanket?


After taking your time bringing in as much detail as possible from your safe experience, notice once again how your body feels?  What state is your nervous system in? 

Do you feel the same as before or do you feel a little different?  If different, how do you feel different?


This can be a powerful resource you can bring to yourself.  And it can be utilized any time for free!


The more resources and experiences of safety we bring to our bodies and nervous systems, the more opportunities we give ourselves to heal.


If you found this helpful, and you want to learn more about your ANS, resources, safety and tools to help bring your body and ANS into states of peace and healing, you may be interested in learning about our Peace and Calm self study online program.  

You can also join our email list to receive updates and more information on workshops and blogs, as well as a free meditation.


Remember to practice this on a regular basis and enjoy the benefits in your body and in your nervous system.


In Kindness,


P.S. If you did find this helpful, please share this blog with those you care about.  Everyone can benefit fromt this free resource!






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