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Mind-Body Approach Part 3

Sep 27, 2022

I love working with my Mind-Body Coaching clients.  

I love teaching people how to reconnect with their bodies.

I love assisting people in beginning to understand that the sensations in our bodes are not the enemy...


Especially for those who are living with Chronic Pelvic Pain.


You may be wondering I feel so passionate about the Mind-Body Approach for helping people with Chronic Pelvic Pain...


Because when you are able to pause, be present, allow and even honor the sensations of the body something magical happens.

Over time, the "uncomfortable" sensation changes.  Sometimes it gets bigger or stronger.  This can be scary and our minds usually tell us that this is bad.

And yet, when we can sit with the sensation and just be with that sensation, accept instead of fight or judge it, this is when the magic happens. 

Acceptance is powerful and accepting the sensations in our bodies allows the energy to eventually dissipate.  When this happens, they can be honored, released and healed


Moreover, sometimes, when we are honoring and accepting what is happening in the body with an inquisitive curious mind, moments of deep insight can shine through.

Sometimes, an emotion that has been pushed down surfaces.

Sometimes, a sudden knowing pops into your mind telling you something you need to know.

And yes, sometimes, it feels like you can sit and be with a sensation in your body for ever...


Even if there is no change, simply accepting instead of fighting offers healing.

When we fight what is happening to our bodies, our brains feel unsafe, our autonomic nervous system puts us in a fight-or-flight state and our body tenses up. We are then put into a defensive guarding state.

And when our ANS is in a defensive guarding state, our muscles tense up and often, our pain increases.


So, you may be asking what this all has to do with Pelvic Pain??


After specializing in treating patient with chronic pelvic pain for over 20 years, I know that pelvic pain is exacerbated by increased tension and trigger points in the pelvic floor muscles.


And I ask you, How can we relax our muscles when we are fighting, when we are judging what is happening inside of ourselves?

And when we are resisting, fighting against, or even hating what is happening in our bodies we do not feel safe.

I have seen it time and time again...  You can breathe. You can stretch. You can foam roll. But if you are not aware that that your nervous system and your brain's baseline comes from a place of not feeling safe, your body's baseline is to guard and increase your tension unconsciously.

When this is the case, it is like trying to roll a really heavy ball uphill.

I have found that when my patients address both the body, the mind, and the emotions, in addition to training their brain and calming their nervous system, healing is more like rolling that ball downhill, once the ball starts rolling.

Which do you want?  Do you want to roll the ball up hill or down?

If you have any questions about Mind-Body work for your pelvic pain, keep your eyes on this link. I am in the middle of running an updated pilot version of Wholistically Healing Pelvic Pain.  After it is complete, I plan on releasing the expanded and updated version as a self-paced online program for all of those who need it.


In Peace and Kindness,

Jennifer Chu, MS, PT, WCS, Mind-Body Coach


**This blog is the third part of m Mind-Body Series. If you are interested in this topic please check these out.  Mind-Body Approach Part 1 and Mind-Body Approach Part 2.





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