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Mind-Body Approach Part 2

Jun 28, 2022

Last week I wrote about what approaching one's healing through the Mind-Body paradigm and I promised to write more about it this week.


I have a question for you...


Did you know that there is wisdom in your body?


Your body is constantly sending you messages, giving you feedback about your environment and what is happening around you.

For example, have you ever been in a situation where something simply didn't feel right?  Something was off.

How do you know this? 

If you think back and take a moment to bring your awareness into your body, you will likely notice that something simply doesn't feel right in your body.


Or, have you ever walked into a room and just felt the energy of the room? or a person?

Sometimes all it takes is to be near someone to experience their emotions.  Some people hold their emotions in and others seem to emote it out strongly so everyone can feel what they are feeling.


The truth is that emotions are energy that are felt as sensations in your body.


Learning how to pay attention to the messages, to your body's inner wisdom, is a beautiful path to healing.


And, unhealed emotional energy stays in our bodies.


Usually, when we are young we are taught that feeling and expressing our emotions is not allowed. Often we are taught that feeling and expressing certain emotions, such as anger or frustration, is even bad.


So we do our best to stuff the emotional energy deep down into our bodies.

We try to distract ourselves with whatever we can to avoid feeling what our bodies have to show us. 

We watch TV, we work hard sometimes becoming work-a-holics, we lose hours on social media...  and usually these distractions help numb us and draw our attention away from what we feel in our bodies.


But eventually, the messages of our bodies become stronger.


The emotional energy needs to be seen, honored and healed.


Over time, we stuff more emotional energy on top of old emotional energy.

Eventually, the emotional energy needs to be release.

If it is not released in a healthy way, the body will find other ways to release it.  Eventually, it will come out sideways.

And eventually, as we pile more emotional energy on top of the old emotional energy, the messages of our bodies get stronger and louder.


Maybe you find yourself more emotionally reactive than you'd like to be.

Maybe you find yourself dealing with chronic pain.

Maybe you find yourself living with digestive issues.

Or maybe you struggle with anxiety.

Or worse...


This is why I feel so strongly about approaching healing from the mind-body perspective. When we connect with our bodies, we are able to release stored and stuck emotions and energy that are affecting our health and our bodies.

And the more we are able to connect with all parts of ourselves, the more we are able to tune into our own inner wisdom.

Once we are able to be more connected, we can better understand the messages our bodies are sending us.

These messages are our inner guidance system.

These messages offer more information on what our next best step is for our health and our lives...


If you are interested in a Free Coaching Session or learning more about my Mind-Body Coaching please email me at [email protected].


In Peace and Kindness, 




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